I don’t mean to bore you with continual blog entries about my weight-loss triumphs, but I just can’t help it. I feel so empowered by it all. I promise I will not do this every blog. Just today.
At my WW meeting, we talked about how we can tell we have weight loss success even if the scale did not exist. I have made my own list.
1. A couple of years ago, I bought a skirt and 2 sweaters in the wrong (definition: smaller) size. I couldn’t wear the sweaters. I could wear the skirt if I buttoned it over a smaller portion of my body that wasn’t my waist (definition: about 5" higher). Well, I can now button the skirt at my waist and I can wear the sweaters; I don’t like any of them. Go figure.
2. I can tie my shoes and cut my own toenails without having to reach to the side of me because there is less in the way. The true sign of a fat person is that one’s shoes are tied at the side and not in the center.
3. I can stand up to put on my socks in those teeny little changing stalls at the Salt Lake Temple.
4. I hate to say it (reference: Confessional 10/22/07), but I actually have a little more energy and feel like doing more. Actually, my plantar fasciatus pain is gone. A coincidence?
5. I look thinner.
I have lost a grand total of 21.8 lbs. Hurray for me.
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Sunday, November 25, 2007
It's Not Easy Being Green
And just try getting off the Victoria Secret list. I bought 2 dresses for Rachel and Sarah when they were 12 & 14 (Before you question my judgment, they were lovely, long-sleeved, cowl-necked, knit velvet dresses that hit below the knee.) I have received 2-3 VS catalogs a week for the last 11 years.
Then there are the Harry & David, Hammacher-Schlemmer, Orvis, Travel Smith, Coldwater Creek, Brookstone, Wine Enthusiast, Sur La Tabla, etc. Though I am not a great recycler, I have been concerned about the number of trees and the amount of energy required to produce catalogs for things I am not going to buy.
Now, I do usually just toss them in the recycling bin before they get in the house. But I have discovered a new web site. You register – they promise not to send you a catalog or sell your information – and then you can access all the catalogs you do not want anymore and they say that within 10 weeks, your name will be off the list. Try it. You’ll like it.
Monday, November 19, 2007
Just in: I remember now what else I was going to say about this book. I am so tired of subtle and not so subtle jabs at the war in Iraq, George Bush, etc. I don't really care what your opinion is. It had so little to do with the story, that it could just as well have been left out. It appears that this was added because it is a popular thing to do. Stop it. Same goes for TV shows.
Do not read this book. When we originally started the Scarpetta novels, Kay was strong, intelligent, witty, professional, etc. Where did you go? All we have left is a miserable, whiny, old, passive woman. There is no life to her any more. The book has so many characters that no one cares about. They are all unpleasant -- even the ones we used to know and love. This book is a continuation of the last one -- it is so unmemorable, I forgot the name. I couldn't remember what had happened in the last novel, so I spent most of my time confused. That she has so many odd story lines that kind of meet up at the end doesn't help. It's almost as if she said -- "oops, I'm out of paper, I better wrap this up." And what is the deal with Marino and where did he go? Don't waste your money. Borrow my book if you must read it. I've already wasted $17.61. If I ever read another Cornwell book, it'll be from the library though it bothers me that my tax dollars are used on this tripe!!
Thursday, November 15, 2007
I Am Thankful!!
My favorite holiday is Thanksgiving!! Christmas is good. I can take or leave Halloween and the Labor Day, but Thanksgiving is about my 2 favorite things!! Family and Food. I am always a little sad because Thanksgiving seems to get pushed to the side with a little teeny display of paper products somewhere between the behemoth bags of fun size candy bars and the tacky dancing Santas. This is a perfect time for me (and everyone) to think about the things I am grateful for and consider the source of these blessings.
Here is a list of all the things I am grateful for:
Bob Sykes, Rachel, Sarah, Robbie & Kathleen Sykes, Aunty Kate and the Lewis’, the Gordons (even though we miss Aunty Fran something awful). My house, my Huntsville House, Weight Watchers, my health (but not MS – it is no friend of mine); okay – Otto and Daisy, but not their byproducts; my car, washing machine, dishwasher – especially in Huntsville. A good night’s sleep. I don’t get those very often. Good books. Comfy shoes, a good bed. Hot baths. Lotion after the hot baths because my skin gets so dry. United States of America. Election day. Blogs. Emily Jones. Young Women and Mutual (I know, I grumble sometimes, but I still am grateful for it.) Education. The temple, the gospel of Jesus Christ. Prayer, the scriptures.
That my Heavenly Father loves me and all His Children. He is the source of all these blessings. And I am grateful to Him.
Saturday, November 10, 2007
A Day in the Life
My Normal, Exciting Saturday.
Today. This is just a rundown of a day in the life of Mom
8:00 am – woke up. I actually got to sleep in this morning.
8:15 am – went to grocery store so we could have stuff for breakfast
9:00 am – made French toast and sausage. I very rarely make breakfast, but Aunty Kate was here and I felt a need to have a Martha Stewart Moment.
10:00 am to 12:45 pm – Cleaned the laundry room with enormous help from Bob Sykes. This man is a cleaning, organizing machine. I am one lucky woman.
1:00 pm – took Aunty Kate to the airport. We will miss her immensely.
1:30 pm - cleaned up the kitchen and planned the grocery list and weeks menus. We are going to have very boring meals.
3:00 pm – took a nap. I need my nap.
6:00 pm – Went to Heidi Hanks wedding reception (I didn’t sleep from 3 to 6. I just don’t remember all the exciting stuff I did)
7:30 pm - Met Bob and the Fitts’ for dinner at Lambs. I haven’t been there since Christmas Eve.
9:00 pm - went to Bob’s office and gave the Fitts’ a tour.
10:00 pm – Went to the grocery store. Had to use the self-checkout, because it was late on Saturday night. I hate the self-checkout. It takes about 20 minutes to do 10 minutes worth of checking out.
11:00 pm – came home from the store, unloaded the groceries, put them away, switched the laundry from the dryer to the basket and from the washer to the dryer.
11:15 pm – found a wet spot in the hallway. Someone was not watching Daisy. While I was starting water to wash the towel I had used to sop up dog pee, I decided to wash the sheets in Sarah’s room since it had been a long time since anyone had slept in there. While I was moving around the bedding trying to get the sheets, I saw a HUGE yellow spot on the bedspread. Guess some dog had done something a long time ago and I had never found out about it. So started washing all the bedding. (Sarah actually slept there last night!!)
11:30 – realized that I still had to empty the dishwasher, load it, feed the dogs, and still put clean sheets on my bed.
Isn’t it great to be me? (ps -- another 3 lbs down!!)
Today. This is just a rundown of a day in the life of Mom
8:00 am – woke up. I actually got to sleep in this morning.
8:15 am – went to grocery store so we could have stuff for breakfast
9:00 am – made French toast and sausage. I very rarely make breakfast, but Aunty Kate was here and I felt a need to have a Martha Stewart Moment.
10:00 am to 12:45 pm – Cleaned the laundry room with enormous help from Bob Sykes. This man is a cleaning, organizing machine. I am one lucky woman.
1:00 pm – took Aunty Kate to the airport. We will miss her immensely.
1:30 pm - cleaned up the kitchen and planned the grocery list and weeks menus. We are going to have very boring meals.
3:00 pm – took a nap. I need my nap.
6:00 pm – Went to Heidi Hanks wedding reception (I didn’t sleep from 3 to 6. I just don’t remember all the exciting stuff I did)
7:30 pm - Met Bob and the Fitts’ for dinner at Lambs. I haven’t been there since Christmas Eve.
9:00 pm - went to Bob’s office and gave the Fitts’ a tour.
10:00 pm – Went to the grocery store. Had to use the self-checkout, because it was late on Saturday night. I hate the self-checkout. It takes about 20 minutes to do 10 minutes worth of checking out.
11:00 pm – came home from the store, unloaded the groceries, put them away, switched the laundry from the dryer to the basket and from the washer to the dryer.
11:15 pm – found a wet spot in the hallway. Someone was not watching Daisy. While I was starting water to wash the towel I had used to sop up dog pee, I decided to wash the sheets in Sarah’s room since it had been a long time since anyone had slept in there. While I was moving around the bedding trying to get the sheets, I saw a HUGE yellow spot on the bedspread. Guess some dog had done something a long time ago and I had never found out about it. So started washing all the bedding. (Sarah actually slept there last night!!)
11:30 – realized that I still had to empty the dishwasher, load it, feed the dogs, and still put clean sheets on my bed.
Isn’t it great to be me? (ps -- another 3 lbs down!!)
Monday, November 5, 2007
The Amazing Kathleen
For those of you who have not seen the amazingness that is my child, take 2:02 minutes and watch the video from her summer ballet class. She is the beautiful girl in the blue halter leotard. That other girl just keeps getting in the way.
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