Sunday, October 26, 2008

It's all relative!

I'm no Einstein. So why is it that when I paid $2.89.9 per gallon for gas on Saturday, I felt like I did when I was paying only 38.9 (that's cents). That seemed like a ton of money in 1971, when I had to scrounge around on the floor of my Mom's car for enough change for 1 gallon -- because the gauge didn't work and I didn't know how much gas I really had. I was only able to come up with 35.9 cents, but the nice boy who pumped my gas (I must be old -- I remember when it was the norm to have an attendant fill your tank everywhere, not just Oregon) gave me the extra 3 cents worth. Like I said, I'm no Einstein, so I can't really tell you how much gas I got for the 3 cents I didn't have.
When I filled my tank yesterday, I only (?) cost $66.00. I am only filling it every two weeks and the last time I paid $77. Now Bob fills up every week for a cost of $67 (versus $88 at the highest), I fill up every other week for $66 now (versus $88 at the highest), and Kathleen fills up every 10 days (13 gallon tank) for $38 (instead of $47). This is saving me -----------. You do the math. The answer is: a bundle!!

Saturday, October 18, 2008

That's Entertainment

I have been very disappointed in my entertainment choices lately. Some people would say that I should have known by the movies I have chosen to see, but in my defense I only went to some of these movies because Bob wanted to. He loves movies and actually is fairly easy to please. Bob views movies like he views food (his comment, not mine). He'll eat anything I make and thinks it is all great (with a couple of exceptions). Movies are the same way. Just entertain me for a couple of hours. It's all good.

We have seen the following movies for the past few weeks and included is my mini-review:

1. Babylon, AD -- I should have seen this one coming. Burned out future, Vin Diesel -- a recipe for a bad film. It was just stupid.

2. American Carol -- again, should have seen it coming. It was really dumb, and made me very uncomfortable. Now I do believe that there is a real liberal slant to Hollywood, but if the right is going to make a movie that is slanted in their direction, the least it could be is good. And funny. This movie was neither.

3. The Mummy 3 -- this kinda is a guilty pleasure. There is something about the Mummy movies that just make me laugh. However, it wasn't great. It actually wasn't even good, but passable.

4. Eagle Eye -- this should have been much better than it was. It was one of those movies where you kept looking at your watch wondering how long you had been there. I swear it was a 4 hour movie. With plot holes so large you could drive a really big truck through them.

5. City of Ember -- not bad. Actually you expect fantasy to be fantastical (not a real word). and it was. Just a little too long and the ending didn't resolve anything.

6. Errand of Angels -- loved this movie. Sister missionaries in Germany. Very sweet.

7. Forever Strong -- sports cliche'd, but really entertaining with a great Salt Lake City connection. The Highland High Rugby team! See it if you can.

8. GhostTown -- Best movie I have seen in ages. You will laugh and be touched.

9. The House Bunny -- I liked this movie probably better than I should have. It was silly but sweet. A little vulgar. Still, it made me laugh.

Overall, I guess it wasn't a total loss, movie-wise. There were some roses among the thorns. I would strongly recommend #'s 6, 7, & 8. Moderately recommend #'s 3, 5 &9; and thumbs down on the rest.

I'm only 50/50 on my book choices, also. I finished reading Yearning for the Living God, which I really liked. Once I brought it home from Huntsville, I finished it in no time. I have also been working on Nora Roberts latest book, Tribute. It has taken me 3 months; I'm 2/3 of the way through, I have already figured out who the criminal is and really don't care to finish it. I left it in Huntsville. I can usually bang out a mindless mystery in 2 or 3 days. I can't seem to concentrate. Maybe it is just bad reading choices. Perhaps I should stick to the classics.

I'm also 50/50 on Netflix. I loved Touching Evil - the BBC version. But the Forbidden Kingdom was so dumb, I sent it back without finishing it.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008


Yesterday, I had what I felt like was a perfect day. I'm not sure anyone else would think so, but for some reason it just felt really good to me. Maybe it was because I did a little of what I had to do and a little of what I wanted to do, and got to bed before midnight.
1. I got up.
2. Worked on a quilt I am making for Robbie. It is kinda cool. It is made up of fabrics that remind me of Rob. It is a little off-square, but that reminds me of Rob, too.
3. Went to Weight Watchers with no loss, but I didn't gain either. Sometimes none is more.
4. Went to the office. Since it was a Federal holiday, there were no bills in the mail. It was cold there so I had to go home early before I froze to death.
5. Came home.
6. Fed the dogs, dragged up the garbage cans so Bob didn't have to. Didn't get any mail -- again a plus as there were no bills. The dishwasher was already emptied so I didn't have to do it.
7. Made a tasty dinner for my family -- baked chicken thighs & drumsticks and leftover mashed sweet potatoes and spaghetti squash. Oh, and the last of my zuchinni that I harvested this year. I had 7 plants and only about 6 squash.
8. Cleaned up the dishes, had scriptures and prayer, and it was only 8:15.
9. Since it was early, I got on the treadmill for 30 minutes, earning 3 extra weight watcher points. I was almost done with the current DVD -- Touching Evil from PBS (it is fabulous!) -- so I worked on quilting my quilt that I have set up in the basement. I am not very good. It would probably be better if I used an actual quilting needle and hand quilting thread.
10. It was only 9:15 so I made up a batch of chocolate chip cookie dough for Bob, Kathleen and to send to my nephew David who is in the MTC. I will bake them today.
11. I actually finished a book. I the final 3 chapters of "Yearning for the Living God" by Elder Busche. This is the first book I have finished in 6 months. I can't seem to concentrate.
12. Bob built a fire so I sat down in front of the TV and watched a little of the Phillys v Dodgers. Rob called and wanted me to pray for the Dodgers. I don't like the Dodgers, but since they hired Joe Torre after he was fired by the Yankees, I guess it is the least I can do. Actually, since the Yankees are out, I don't really care that much about baseball.
13. Soaked in a hot bathtub with lavendar bubble bath - my favorite sent.
14. Settled into bed and fast forwarded through Dancing with the Stars.
15. Lights out and asleep by 11:45.
My standards for perfection are pretty low. I'll mark this day on my calendar as the near-perfect day.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

All Hands on Deck

Here is my new deck. Like Pandora's box (see post from last August/September), this turned out to be a bigger job than we anticipated. We moved the water spigot, rebuilt some of the benches, and got rid of some others. All in all, I would say that it was worth it. What do you think?

Monday, October 6, 2008

Conference Report

Every 6 months I look forward to General Conference. I need the spiritual feast, pat on the back, and reassurance that all will be well.

This conference's theme seemed to be that even though life is hard, it will be ok. All we need to do is center ourselves in the gospel and follow the Savior and we'll be OK. I especially appreciated Elder Uchtdorf's (sp??) talk about Hope. I seem to feel sometimes that all hope is lost and need a reminder that it is not. Perhaps my favorite moment in conference this session was when Elder Cook (I think it was him) told a story of a trecherous road trip taken with his two sons. His youngest son (about 4 years old), relating the event to his mother on the phone said "I hope you know, we had a hard time." Elder Cook reminded us that our Heavenly Father knows we had a hard time and he is with us in our hour of need.

I've been reading Elder Busche's memoirs, "Yearning for the Living God". I only read it in Huntsville so it is taking me a little bit of time, and to be honest, his writing style is dry. However, as I plug along, I am learning some great lessons. The last chapter I read, while in HV, was about his struggles with his business. He told of a time that he was in great despair and he heard a voice tell him that it was OK. The lessons that he learned from this simple response was: God hears us, Repent (he interpreted this to mean work harder), and Hope.

I am taking these lessons to heart. As part of my repentance, I erased Jewel Quest Solitaire from off my computer. I am wasting too much time when I am discouraged playing this dumb game. I think I will try to do one hard thing when I don't want to do anything. And I will hope.