I decided to face the music (and not dance) but return to WW again. The last time I went was in June and the time before that was in March. So, in order to get in the swing of things, I took Otto and Daisy for a walk. By myself. Alone. Solo. I decided to park by the Capitol and walk down the switch backs to Memory Grove. I was going to simply walk along the road until I got to the end and then go back down the canyon road to my car. Sound good.
Well, there wasn't anyone around so when I got to the bridge that crosses the creek over to the off-leash trail, I decided to go over there and let the dogs run free. They ran along the creek having a great time. I, on the other hand, had bitten off more than I could chew. First, I had to carry a bag of dog crap forever. The up side to that is if anyone accosts me, I can hit them with a a bag of poop. A formidable weapon. Second, apparently there isn't really a trail north of the bridge. There was one at one time, but it was washed out. I got past one really treacherous spot and walked for 100 yards and got to another place that I couldn't get past. I decided to go back and then for some reason was unable to cross over the last spot I had crossed. Meanwhile Otto and Daisy were having a fabulous time.
So, I called the dogs back. Put them on their leashes, slid down the hill on my butt, forded the stream and climbed the hill on the other side. Now I was wet and muddy. My new jeans that were too big could now not be returned. I finally got back to my car and I still hadn't been to WW.
I made a list of all the things that were good about my weight loss. Some of them have returned since I have gained some weight back. This is my motivation for change.
1. Not short of breath
2. Plantar faciaitis gone
3. I don’t pee when I sneeze
4. Balance and dizziness is better.
5. Only need 1 pillow to sleep
6. Snoring is improved
7. Can tie my shoes on top of my foot, not the side.
8. Smaller clothes
9. Cuter shoes
10. Stamina greater when shopping or going to museum
11. Don’t struggle with airplane seatbelt
12. Can put on my socks while standing up
13. Can put on panty hose in Temple locker room stall.
I tried to sneak in and just weigh in a not see anyone, but my old leader was there and she invited to stay for the meeting. This is a good thing. I have only gained back 27 of the 50 lbs that I lost (only is a relative term) and they aren't going to make me give back my tokens. I promptly went to Taco Time for lunch (hadn't had breakfast) and couldn't really eat much the rest of the day to stay in my points range.
I made it through Monday only using 2 of my 35 extra points. Today, I walked the dogs. We stayed on the road. I've had a WW breakfast. I am determined to follow the rules. I had my 2 tsps of healthy oil. I will need 3 dairy and 5 fruits and vegetables.
I really want to use all 26 points for Halloween Candy.
I'll report more later.