Since school has started and none of my children will be writing the traditional "What I did last summer" back-to-school essay, I thought I would do one myself. I know that this seems incredibly self-indulgent, but isn’t that what blogs are all about – all about me!! So this is what I did:
1. In May, we went to Rachel’s law school graduation in Moscow, Idaho. It is hard to believe that I am actually old enough to have a child old enough to be a lawyer!! It was an exciting time. Aunty Kate (Kathleen Lewis – my sister) joined us for the festivities. We are so proud of her. Rachel that is. We are proud of Aunty Kate also, but for other reasons.
2. In June, school was over and I drove Kathleen (Sykes, not Lewis) back and forth to the Ballet West Summer Intensive at the University of Utah and to driver’s dread, ‘er ed. She got her license on July 26.
3. In June, I also went to the funeral of my friend, Sandra Jones. Her dear daughters are always in my heart.
4. In July, Bob, Sarah, Stacy and I went to Sun Valley for the Bar Conference. This is actually my favorite vacation spot. It is relaxing; everybody can do what they want, and I can just sit and read. We have been doing this since 1985. We used to bring a sitter so I could also get some rest while the kids swam and played. Bob gets to play tennis and go on bike rides and we go to movies.
5. We tore out a deck in the backyard and now have a wonderful cement patio with a table and chairs and flower pots and more grass. My favorite time of day is in the evening when I can sit outside and enjoy the cooler temperatures.
6. Saw a bunch of movies – Transformers ***, Ratatouille ****, Hair Spray ****, 1408***, Harry Potter 5****, 35 minutes of I Now Pronounce You Chuck and Larry (we walked out; it was offensive on so many levels)------, the last half of Sicko (we had to watch something after we walked out of Chuck and Larry) * ½, Ocean’s 13 ***, Rescue Dawn ****, Spider Man 3 **, The Simpsons **.
7. Read some books – Harry Potter of course, Nora Robert’s High Noon (very formulaic, I knew what was going to happen, but I just kept on reading). I tried to read Burr for my book group, but Gore Vidal’s characters tend to spend too much time with ladies of ill-repute. Oh my gosh, I think this is it. I am ashamed of myself. I am reading Twilight just to see what all the fuss is about. I am a little embarrassed to be seen reading a book that proudly proclaims itself to be on "the Teen People Hot List."
8. Bob and Kathleen and I took a small road trip to Goblin Valley. It was one of those trips when you just get in the car and see where the road takes you. As a child, Goblin Valley always seemed a little scary. As an adult, it is just too cool.
Anyway, that is what I did for my Summer Vacation.
I am seriously so sad I was not able to be there for any Sykes vacations. Sadness. Here is what I love about this blog:
1. You rating movies with stars. I love it.
2. You tore out the deck in the backyard? Where wasps used to live and Sarah and I used to have wasp wars and would spray them and then jump in the pool? Are the grape vines still there, though?
3. That you came to my mom's funeral. Love you.
4. Not cool that you haven't finished Twilight. Amazingness. Make Kathleenykins read it.
5. Love Aunty Kate.
p.s. We should go to London again. Or somewhere else cool like that.
I did...stuff.
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