2. Why do the CSI’s in Las Vegas work in the dark? And never pull their hair back when they are working a crime scene? Honestly, I must watch too much TV.
3. What is all the hubbub about? I just finished Twilight and think it is a nice enough book, but am not all that eager to read the next two. I must be old and have forgotten what true, young love is like. Which leads me to #4.
4. Why are vampires suddenly the hot new thing? Aren’t they creatures of the night? Don’t they bite people? Why are there romance novels and TV shows about them? I’m just saying.
5. Why is it that when I click the box on blogspot to remember me when I log in, it never does. It is starting to effect my self esteem.
6. Why does every place that has a credit card machine have to have those silly flowers tied to the pens and then stuck in a flower pot of beans? I never recognize them as pens. I always assume that everyone has the same dumb flower arrangements.
I think it is so lame that CSI drive hummers. Like the government would pay for that. AS you notice, police drive crappy ford tauruses.
Okay I totally agree with the CSI Miami thing. Especially when they are never sweaty. Last time I checked, the last two times I went to Florida, I definitely sweat. A lot the first time because it was in July. And they never sweat. And always wear suits. My cousin's husband is a real CSI and he says if he ever flips to it, he just says "I wonder what lies they are going to tell on CSI tonight?"
p.s. I want to bombard him with CSI-ish questions, I just haven't done it yet. Mostly because I only see him at eating functions and that might be gross.
The reason CSI's use expensive Hummers etc is because in the heavy drug-trade area of Miami, many of these vehicles are confiscated from drug lords during raids, stings etc. They are then used for police work - at no cost to the taxpayer, or sold at 100% profit and then these funds are re-invested back into police work - like vehicles etc. Essentially, the crooks foot the bill. Very efficient use of government resources.
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