Daisy's new name is Sammy Davis Jr. Jr. I am naming her after the deranged seeing eye b (the movie's words, not mine) in the movie "Everything is Illuminated". She is deranged and kind of looks the same.
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
It's all in a name
Daisy's new name is Sammy Davis Jr. Jr. I am naming her after the deranged seeing eye b (the movie's words, not mine) in the movie "Everything is Illuminated". She is deranged and kind of looks the same.
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Eat My Words

However, this book does redeem the series somewhat. The characters are much less angry, pissy, and just plain unlikeable. Marino is on the road to rehabilitation and redemption. Lucy is still quite unlikeable. And I don’t think it has anything to do with her orientation. She is just a nasty, snarky woman who wants to be a man. I do think Cornwell needs to look for some new plot devices. How many stalkers and/or colleagues can Scarpetta have that want to possess/kill and or ruin her professionally before it all seems absurd? Also, how about those seemingly random crimes in a city of millions of people that somehow end up being related to each other and the stalker/colleague-killer/ruiner.
But if you are on a long plane ride and need a diversion, this is not awful. It’s not a ringing endorsement, but better than Trace, BlowFly, Predator and Book of the Dead.
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Slow Death
1. Hopefully would go to be early, but wanted to have tea and chat 'til 12:30 am.
2. Hotel style continental breakfast, complete with hot cereal and coffee every morning. My coffee must not have tasted too good, because Judge bought instant coffee on Monday.
3. Monday, no one wanted to eat, only shop -- Gap, Barnes & Noble, Apple Store and Victoria's Secret. Very odd experience with Julia digging through stacks of undies while discussing things with Judge in Ukranian. He bought 2 bags of stuff. I didn't ask.
4. Tuesday Ukranian Dinner - a Pork Festival -- All the dishes had some sort of pork product in it. Borscht with spare ribs, potato salad with ham, pork shishkebabs, pierogies and polenta garnished with bacon. If a spot of your plate had not food on it, someone would dish you up some more.
5. Wednesday, a little respite, because everyone went to the Jazz game. They have a Ukranian player on the team and he posed for pictures and signed all their ticket stubs.
6. Thursday - dinner at the Sykes house with pot roast, rolls, roasted potatoes and salad. Made coffee but no one drank it. Must not be too good. Bob took the Judge and Julia shopping -- he was feeling better. Bought the judge a $175 tie!! and a bike helmet for Julia's son. Julia and one of the other judges went out for drinks later. Bob stayed up until 1:30 waiting for her because she said she would only be an hour.
7. Friday -- big huge dinner at the Jacobs house. Kathy, thank you so much. Lots of speeches and then we sent them off to a concert at the Conference center. Then they went shopping some more. We pawned them off on the Sorokins and the Johnsons. We're not very good neighbors.
8. Saturday, they were supposed to be on their way to the airport where we could just leave them. The coordinator overslept and called Bob and asked him to get them checked in as Julia had all the passports (I think a throwback to communism when you didn't want anyone to defect.) It took over an hour to get everyone checked in due to pictures, hugs, overlimit bags. I waited in the car.
9. Cleaned the bathrooms, washed the bedding and generally aired out the house. Kathleen said it smelled like coffee, cheap aftershave and cigarettes. I think it is just a little Euro-funky smell.
10. Monday, I took all the bedspreads to the laundrymat to try to get them smelling fresh again. I may have to throw the pillows away due to the stale cigarette smell, even though they didn't smoke in the house.
11. Tonight at dinner Bob said he missed them and didn't I. Honestly, no!!
Friday, November 21, 2008
Tell Me Its Not True
I guess the bad economy has even hit Salem. This is apparently a cost cutting measure by NBC.
I haven't watched a soap opera in a zillion years. But I always knew that if I started again, Marlena would still be there. I am so dissapointed.
Friday, November 14, 2008
It's all Relative, Part II
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
God Bless America
1. Barack Obama is not a terrorist
2. Barack Obama probably does say the pledge of allegience, salute the flag, pray, blah, blah blah. 3. He is not the devil or the anti-Christ and I am sure he is not the great satan that is discussed in the book of Revelations.
4. He is a natural born US citizen.
5. He is not a Muslim. He was not sworn into office with the Koran. That would have been some other person (in the US House of Representatives - who actually is a Muslim) and so what.
Sunday, October 26, 2008
It's all relative!
Saturday, October 18, 2008
That's Entertainment
We have seen the following movies for the past few weeks and included is my mini-review:
1. Babylon, AD -- I should have seen this one coming. Burned out future, Vin Diesel -- a recipe for a bad film. It was just stupid.
2. American Carol -- again, should have seen it coming. It was really dumb, and made me very uncomfortable. Now I do believe that there is a real liberal slant to Hollywood, but if the right is going to make a movie that is slanted in their direction, the least it could be is good. And funny. This movie was neither.
3. The Mummy 3 -- this kinda is a guilty pleasure. There is something about the Mummy movies that just make me laugh. However, it wasn't great. It actually wasn't even good, but passable.
4. Eagle Eye -- this should have been much better than it was. It was one of those movies where you kept looking at your watch wondering how long you had been there. I swear it was a 4 hour movie. With plot holes so large you could drive a really big truck through them.
5. City of Ember -- not bad. Actually you expect fantasy to be fantastical (not a real word). and it was. Just a little too long and the ending didn't resolve anything.
6. Errand of Angels -- loved this movie. Sister missionaries in Germany. Very sweet.
7. Forever Strong -- sports cliche'd, but really entertaining with a great Salt Lake City connection. The Highland High Rugby team! See it if you can.
8. GhostTown -- Best movie I have seen in ages. You will laugh and be touched.
9. The House Bunny -- I liked this movie probably better than I should have. It was silly but sweet. A little vulgar. Still, it made me laugh.
Overall, I guess it wasn't a total loss, movie-wise. There were some roses among the thorns. I would strongly recommend #'s 6, 7, & 8. Moderately recommend #'s 3, 5 &9; and thumbs down on the rest.
I'm only 50/50 on my book choices, also. I finished reading Yearning for the Living God, which I really liked. Once I brought it home from Huntsville, I finished it in no time. I have also been working on Nora Roberts latest book, Tribute. It has taken me 3 months; I'm 2/3 of the way through, I have already figured out who the criminal is and really don't care to finish it. I left it in Huntsville. I can usually bang out a mindless mystery in 2 or 3 days. I can't seem to concentrate. Maybe it is just bad reading choices. Perhaps I should stick to the classics.
I'm also 50/50 on Netflix. I loved Touching Evil - the BBC version. But the Forbidden Kingdom was so dumb, I sent it back without finishing it.
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
1. I got up.
2. Worked on a quilt I am making for Robbie. It is kinda cool. It is made up of fabrics that remind me of Rob. It is a little off-square, but that reminds me of Rob, too.
3. Went to Weight Watchers with no loss, but I didn't gain either. Sometimes none is more.
4. Went to the office. Since it was a Federal holiday, there were no bills in the mail. It was cold there so I had to go home early before I froze to death.
5. Came home.
6. Fed the dogs, dragged up the garbage cans so Bob didn't have to. Didn't get any mail -- again a plus as there were no bills. The dishwasher was already emptied so I didn't have to do it.
7. Made a tasty dinner for my family -- baked chicken thighs & drumsticks and leftover mashed sweet potatoes and spaghetti squash. Oh, and the last of my zuchinni that I harvested this year. I had 7 plants and only about 6 squash.
8. Cleaned up the dishes, had scriptures and prayer, and it was only 8:15.
9. Since it was early, I got on the treadmill for 30 minutes, earning 3 extra weight watcher points. I was almost done with the current DVD -- Touching Evil from PBS (it is fabulous!) -- so I worked on quilting my quilt that I have set up in the basement. I am not very good. It would probably be better if I used an actual quilting needle and hand quilting thread.
10. It was only 9:15 so I made up a batch of chocolate chip cookie dough for Bob, Kathleen and to send to my nephew David who is in the MTC. I will bake them today.
11. I actually finished a book. I the final 3 chapters of "Yearning for the Living God" by Elder Busche. This is the first book I have finished in 6 months. I can't seem to concentrate.
12. Bob built a fire so I sat down in front of the TV and watched a little of the Phillys v Dodgers. Rob called and wanted me to pray for the Dodgers. I don't like the Dodgers, but since they hired Joe Torre after he was fired by the Yankees, I guess it is the least I can do. Actually, since the Yankees are out, I don't really care that much about baseball.
13. Soaked in a hot bathtub with lavendar bubble bath - my favorite sent.
14. Settled into bed and fast forwarded through Dancing with the Stars.
15. Lights out and asleep by 11:45.
My standards for perfection are pretty low. I'll mark this day on my calendar as the near-perfect day.
Saturday, October 11, 2008
All Hands on Deck
Monday, October 6, 2008
Conference Report
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Things I Can't Live Without.
Monday, September 22, 2008
Dark Shadows
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
50 Lbs!!
Sunday, September 14, 2008
I can’t believe that it has been over a month since I last posted. That means that my life is either a boring wasteland of housework and office work and yard work and cleaning up after dogs or I have been so busy that I can’t find the time to sit down and update. It is probably more like the former statement. My powers of concentration seem to be faulty (refer to post on menopause for a likely explanation). However, I will give a brief rundown of the summer with pictures:
**Fourth of July in Huntsville
And that is what I did last summer.
Thursday, August 7, 2008
One Woman's life in T-Shirts
Sunday, August 3, 2008
The really exciting part of my summer was that I discovered that my passport had expired!! It was a good thing that I didn't need to go to any foreign countries in a hurray. I sent in the application form, having heard that it takes 12 weeks to get a new passport!! What if a fabulous trip came up in the meantime. Well, three weeks later, this came in the mail:
It doesn't look great, but it looks a whole lot better than this one!!

I think that if you don't look really awful, they make you take another picture. Thankfully, I only had to take one picture.
Is anyone up for a fabulous trip?
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
I'll post again in a couple of days.
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
I've been tagged again!
1. What was I doing 10 years ago? Summer of 1998 -- vacationing with family in Washington DC, Gettysburg, Oswego. We were all stuffed into a sedan, because our rental company had run out of vans. Rachel finally got on the phone and called several car places (mind you, she was 16) and found us a van. Her brain may have been swelling, but she wasn't losing any brain cells. Sarah had just had several surgeries for her heart/ankle/knee.
2. Five Snacks I love. What snacks don't I love.
a. 100 Calorie Hostess cupcakes
b. Carrots/celery/radishes & hummus
c. toast
d. mini-pretzles
e. Yoplait Cherry Orchard light yogurt
3. Five Things On My To Do List: Who has a to-do list? But if I did, the following would be on it:
a. File taxes before 10/15/08
b. Balance check book for the first time since 4/1/08
c. Weed the flower bed.
d. Get David's quilt finished.
e. Do my genealogy back to Adam/Charlemagne.
4. Things I would do if I were a billionaire: pay off all my debts. Buy a fabulous purse, get a hybrid car, totally remodel my house. do a huge vacation in England, France, Italy & Greece, & Turkey & Egypt and Petra & Australia, and then have money left over to just live on and support worthy causes. I would do all this after I paid my tithing, of course.
5. Five jobs that I have had.
a. Secretary for the air force
b. ironing
c. babysitting
d. teachingt assistant
e. Director of Research for Utah Public Employees Association
6. Five of my bad habits
a. watching tv when I should be sleeping
b. not taking my meds on a regular basis
c. watching tv when I should be working
d. Playing Jewel Quest I, II or Solitaire when I should be sleeping/working
e. starting projects and not finishing them.
7. Four places I have lived
a. Ogden, Utah
b. Salt Lake City, Utah
c. Seatle, Washington
d. Beavercreek Township, Ohio
8. Two People I Want to Get to Know Better -- Anyone & Don't know
9. 6 Random Things about me. 1) love to read; 2) afraid of flying; 3) love long car trips; 4) afraid of heights; 5) have only read the book of Mormon all the way through 2x [not counting the times we read with the kids]; and 6) never learned how to swim beyond the dog paddle.
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
Nothing to sing about!!
Sunday, June 22, 2008
Cake Walk
The cake uses an 8 oz. can of Sprite for the liquid with lots of eggs and oil, so don't expect health food. It is really tasty. I baked the cake for 15 minutes and that was not enough, so I baked for an additional 5. I think they would be more moist if I had only baked for 18 minutes total, but these lovely little pink confectionaries are still disappearing like hotcakes -- or cupcakes.
I found the blog by linking from somebody's link from one of the Jones girls or Amanda Porter. Thanks, friends. PS -- We had a great time tending Baby Dill Porter this week. It was so much fun.
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Things that have happened since my birthday:
1. School's out -- Kathleen is out for a while. She has some summer work to do and has decided not to take dance (except for the adult classes). So she is taking some online classes to get stuff out of the way for next year, coming to the office to help me, and designing clothes (more of the latter and less of the former.)
2. Memorial Day, Father's Day, Rachel's birthday -- I think that these events are the cause of my weight loss downfall. Actually, poor choices are the result of my downfall which really isn't a downfall, I just keep hovering between .4 and 1.4 pounds short of a total of 50 lb weight loss. We eat out way too much and I make poor choices as though I am never going to eat again. Well, next week is Rob's birthday and then the summer celebrations are over until the 4th of July, 24th of July, etc. I love to make special meals for holidays and birthdays -- my inner Martha Stewart -- and Rachel specifically said "no Weight Watcher cake for my birthday"!
3. That's it. My life is so exciting.
Monday, May 26, 2008
Things That are Younger Than Rebecca Sykes
Monday, May 12, 2008
No Complaints
I Feel Strongly Both Ways
Things I Loved About Mother’s Day:
1. I love being a Mom. It is the best job a woman could have and I would never trade it for anything in the world.
2. The adorable Primary Children. Singing songs in Sacrament Meeting about Mother’s while waving hand-made crepe paper flowers is the best! I miss those little gifts from Primary.
3. Sarah making a fabulous dinner of whatever I wanted, Rachel making cake, and Rob cleaning up after it all.
4. Bob bought me shirts at Cabella’s. They don’t fit. He over estimated how much weight I have lost, plus women’s sizings are so random so it is a bit of a crap shoot to buy clothes for women. In men’s sizes a 40" waist is 40"; in women’s clothes a L can range anywhere from a M to a XL, not to mention what 2, 4, 6, etc. are really from one brand to another. But that’s OK. I can return them and get something else. It is the thought that counts.
5. Sarah brought me flowers – I love day lilies. Kathleen gave me the necklace she bought for herself. It is adorable; I think she should keep it.
6. The girls all came to church with me. It was so nice to sit in Sacrament meeting with almost all my children. I really missed Robbie.
Things I Hate about Mother’s Day:
1. I miss my own mother terribly. I always felt that Mother’s day was for her, not me. Mom died when I still had really little kids and one on the way. Now, there is no one to ask about all those menopause questions I have and I ask my doctor about and he says "well, what was your mother’s experience" and I say, "I don’t know because she’s dead!!"
2. Aunt Stella died on Mother’s day 1991, ruining it forever (if it ever really was OK). Stella never married so was always really sad on Mother’s Day. We always had to make a big fuss over her so her sadness wouldn’t take over. Her sister, my grandmother (who died much too young also – probably one of the reasons my Mom hated MD), always felt that if you can’t be nice to me the other 364 days a year, don’t go thinking a big fuss one day will make up for it. Anyway, in her 101st year, Aunt Stella passed away. I always think about that every MD.
3. I don’t enjoy sitting in Sacrament listening to men tell stories of their beloved sainted mothers – even if I knew the women and they were truly saints. If you want me to have a great day, let me go home an hour early – or better yet, start an hour later. An extra hour of sleep would be one of the greatest MD presents a woman could get. However, Sacrament meeting did have a little comic relief when Bob forgot to announce the choir number and Elder Dave Stanley called out, "Bob, did you want the choir to sing?" Bob was just testing them to see if they were paying attention. And besides he is the new guy.
4. I had to clean up dog pee!! But how is that different than any other day. I hate that dog.
5. The morning after MD. I hate my dishwasher. It was really full and we rinse the dishes pretty well, and as usual while I wait for Kathleen to come down for school, I empty it. About 1/3 of the dishes were not really clean. Earlier this morning, Bob called after he left for tennis – I thought "Holy Crap!! Who is calling at this ungodly hour of 6 am!!!" It is never good news. Apparently, the wind knocked over the garbage can and it appeared as though some random animal dragged bags out of the can and spread it all over the parking strip. Bob told me to get Rob up to do it, but I can’t seem to do that. I’d rather do it myself and have something to bitch about all day long than make my kids do something. I deserve all my troubles. Kathleen did get to school on time today though.
Well, only 364 days until I have to do this again. There is my birthday on the 25th. Being 53 is always something to celebrate.
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
I'm Much Too Young for This
Robbie graduated last week from the University of Utah with not one, but TWO degrees -- Linguistics and Middle East Studies:Arabic!! I know he thinks I was not paying attention when he told me that he had a double major, but in my defense, I didn't really know what he was talking about. I thought he meant the Arabic/Linguistic thing was one degree with an emphasis in something like Middle East Studies. Was I ever surprised when I saw his name in the program twice and it wasn't a typo!! Anyway, it was a great day. It almost slipped past us, which would have suited Rob fine. He really didn't want to walk, but as a mother I get very few paychecks for doing a really spectacular (or even a really crappy) job and watching my children graduate from college is one of those paychecks that I intend to cash!!
Rob was so low key about it, I didn't make him order graduation announcements or anything. When Rachel was getting ready for graduation, she was in France and I had to do a lot to get her stuff done and when Sarah was graduating, we sold her condo and had to move all her stuff to SLC, so there was a lot going on to remind me of graduation. I'm just glad we didn't miss it all though it seems that a lot of people did. The U had over 7000 graduates and I am sure that only about 3500 participated. The commencement speaker was Mario Cappechi (sp??), Nobel Laureate in Medicine and Genetics for 2007. Most people never remember who their commencement speaker was -- I think we will always remember this one.
I'm very proud of my son!! What a great boy!!
3 Down, 1 to go. Will post again in 5 years!!
Monday, April 28, 2008
Help, please
Thursday, April 24, 2008
Good Morning, NYC
On Thursday April 17th (OK, just barely Thursday; it was 12:30 am) Sarah, Stacy, Kathleen and I flew to JFK. I was sure that I would be able to sleep since the plane wasn’t crowded and I had the window seat. That wasn’t going to happen. Kathleen managed to curl up with her head in my lap and sleep most of the way. I was left with trying to read in the dark and watch the map and flight info switch back and forth from English to Espanol. When you are watching, it seems that 5 hours is a really long time. I now know how to read about altitude, ground speed, tale wind, and air temperature in Spanish. El fin – we are at the end of the flight.
Afterwards, we still had time to kill so we went to the Natural History Museum and went to a star show. I don’t remember what it was about because we all fell asleep. Back to the hotel, take a nap, get a shower and head out for Mary Poppins. Great stuff.
This was a fast trip – in the remaining 3 days we did the Empire State Building, the Guggenheim, the Metropolitan Museum of Art, Moma, Chinatown, Ground Zero, 5th Avenue shopping, stake conference, and a fabulous Harbor Tour at night. We walked 100 miles and got caught up in the circus that was the visit of El Grande Papa (the Holy Father Benedict XVI not la grande papa - the big potato). We discovered Century 21, a department store that is like Big Lots for designer goods. Lots of fun. Kathleen had to see designer stores so she could figure out how to make the clothes at a lower cost. Really, a $6,000 dress with matching shoes for $1,950!!
I love NY!! But, there’s no place like home, there’s no place like home, there’s no place like home. Oh, and like before, I left some personal items behind in the trash -- my black dress shoes. They have holes in them. Maybe I should have bought those $1,900 ones.