Sunday, August 3, 2008


It has been a long long long time since I blogged. There is really nothing interesting going on in my life right now. We went to Sun Valley - the whole family -- but Bob took all the pictures and I never got any of them downloaded. Kathleen and I just got back from Girls Camp -- it wasn't really girl's camp -- it was an overnighter in Huntsville. Our stake did a handcart trek and thought the maybe that could count as camp. So, I got to sleep in a bed and use flush toilets and have my Diet coke. That is my idea of camping.

The really exciting part of my summer was that I discovered that my passport had expired!! It was a good thing that I didn't need to go to any foreign countries in a hurray. I sent in the application form, having heard that it takes 12 weeks to get a new passport!! What if a fabulous trip came up in the meantime. Well, three weeks later, this came in the mail:

It doesn't look great, but it looks a whole lot better than this one!!

I think that if you don't look really awful, they make you take another picture. Thankfully, I only had to take one picture.

Is anyone up for a fabulous trip?

1 comment:

Rachsticle said...

Those glasses in the old pictures are so funny!