Sunday, March 2, 2008

Aunty Kate the Great turns 50

The best birthday present I ever gave anyone, I didn’t really give. For Aunty Kate’s 50th birthday, her fabulously sensitive husband, Jeffrey Lewis, flew me up to the frozen northland that is Minneapolis to surprise her. Here is a rundown of how it went:

1. Thursday, Feb. 21, the big day, Jeffrey picked me up at the airport. We were going to get to the house during James’ parent teacher conference, get my stuff in my room, and be waiting in the family room when K returned home to get McKay. So we went to the store to buy Diet Coke, because K only drinks caffeine free Pepsi (yuck :{ ) and Jeffrey drinks Diet Dew (:{) and balloons. Well, James is doing so well in school that the conference was only about 5 minutes long and she was home. So plan B – I got the balloons and walked in on her in the kitchen. She screamed like she had won the Showcase Showdown on the Price is Right. It was so fun. We stayed home in the evening and watched her open presents (a wonderful laptop and printer so she can do genealogy – she is so righteous – and other great things as well), had a delicious steak dinner cooked by Jeffrey, wonderful bread and Texas sheet cake, also cooked by Jeffrey. We stayed up late and looked at genealogy (we’re old, we can’t help it) and just laughed and had a great time. The boys are great, smart, funny and talented, and perhaps a little unwilling to do homework if something more fun, like Aunt Rebby, is around.

2. Friday, Feb. 22, was the day of the ward Progressive dinner. It was to be held at the Lewis house so there was lots to be done. House work, and Aunty Kate had to go to school to help decorate for a big fundraiser. We did take a break and had lunch with Kathleen’s book group. They read Austenland, so I think I will put it on my list of things to read. Don’t forget the cooking for the party. We had a wonderful beef curry with whole spices and spinach, and my famous shrimp curry, rice and salad. After dinner, we went to someone’s home for dessert ( I was very good with my WW Points :) ). I met cousin Jordan Jenkins trainer (missionary), and some of K’s friends though I was the younger sister!! Again, we stayed up late and it was wonderful.

3. Saturday we slept in and then went to the gym (yes!). In the afternoon, we went to Minnehaha Falls. If you remember, by the shores of Gitchee Gumee, by the shining big sea waters, stood the wigwam of Nokomis, daughter of the moon Nokomis, and all her friends – Hiawatha and Minnehaha, from the Song of Hiawatha by Longfellow. For a really cold place, Minneapolis is a fabulous place to be outside. The sun was shining and people, including us, were out walking. The falls were frozen solid and there were chunks of ice floating down the Mississippi.

That evening we went to see Vantage Point with some friends. Please someone I know go see that movie so I can talk about it. SPOILER ALERT: Don’t read past here if you don’t want to know how it ends!! The trailer says that the movie is 8 people, 8 points of view. They tell the story once, then rewind and tell it again from someone else’s point of view. Thankfully, they actually only told the story 5 times. If they had done it once more, I might have screamed, thus ruing the movie experience for many. Basically, the President of the US is speaking at something in Spain. He is shot. But not really, that is a double. However, the real president is then kidnaped by terrorists, and a couple of hotels and the government headquarters is blown up by the same terrorists and lots of people die. It is an inside job. One of the secret service agents is behind the plot. At the end, the terrorists race through the town in an ambulance with the president. A little girl is in the road; they swerve to avoid hitting her. These are the same people that blew up hundreds, shot several secret service agents and police officers to death in cold blood and they swerve to avoid hitting a little girl? In real life, they would have mowed her down. Anyway, at the end, the terrorists die in the accident, the evil secret service agent dies, but utters that we will never win, and the good agent saves the day, gets into the ambulance and says "I’ve got you, sir". In the final scene we see the president being lifted up in a helicopter and a news reporter stating that the president was not injured in the shooting. It was like Groundhog Day on Meth and then they didn’t know how to wrap it up. Good tension for a while, too many points of view and a laughable ending.

4. Sunday, I had to go home to my own family. It was a sad parting. I know this was supposed to be a present for Aunty Kate, but it was a wonderful present for me, also. Many thanks to the Lewis’s for the good time. I hope they come to see us next.

Before I go, look at how big James and McKay are, and how cute Stripes is.

I was just practicing with my new camera for this picture. Stripes was a very patient subject.

1 comment:

Emily, Julia, and Annie said...

Please read Austenland so we can discuss. I thought it was muy lame.