Friday morning, I woke up and sat on the edge of my bed and literally fell over!! I have not been able to function at all. I know that spending days in bed seems like a lot of fun, but it gets really boring really fast.
I have caught up on all the Millennium episodes, watched The Chorus (a delightful French film -- even if you have to read the subtitles, it was delightful), tivo's a whole bunch of NCIS and Cold Case and have just laid in bed watching TV.
I've been so dizzy, I can't even read a book for more than a few minutes. And you all know how I like to read!!
Our bishop came over to help give me a blessing and mentioned something about crystals that grow in your cochliar canal in the ear and if one gets dislodged it can throw you off balance. The only cure for that is to have the doctor hit you on the head a few times. Dr. Taylor said he didn't want to do that because he was afraid I might hit him back. I did smack Bob on the back of the head just in case he gets any bright ideas. Anyway, Dr. T thinks it is a virus, not an enhancement of my MS. (I know that enhancement seems like a good thing, but it isn't) Dr. T gave me a sea-sick patch and said that might help. When I read the insert that came with the patch, one of the side-effects really jumped out at me. This patch could make you DIZZY!!
Hopefully, I will be better by Wednesday when I am in charge of Mutual. I'll keep you posted just in case you want to know.
PS. Emily Jones - It may have to be Paris/Rome in 2010, though I am never tired of London.
PPS. Aunty Kate - yes, I took a self defense class at BYU. About all I can do with what I learned it smack Bob on the back of the head. I did learn to flip someone over if they were sitting on the couch right next to me and I was sitting higher than the assailant and he weighed hardly anything.
PPPS. Aunty Kate - Hello! Wedding announcement in the Auburn Times. Also, didn't you go on the handcart trek from the boonies to the Kent Ward? Our picture was in the paper then, too.
WHAT??????? That's it. I'm coming up there. At least me, you, Sarah, and various dogs can all lie in your bed together. I think you must be suffering from diet coke/jewel quest withdrawls.
p.s. Julia just asked me if you loved jewel quest. And I told her that you llllllllllooooooooooooovvvvvvvveeeeeeeeee jewel quest.
p.p.s. I am #110 in line for the 8th James Patterson book. It better be good.
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