In honor of the first days of spring, here is a little retrospective on winter.
These are just a few views of the kind of snow whe have had this year. You will note the height of the snow piles. Now some of these are just piles that fell off the roof after the snow had built up 3-4 feet and then slid down. but in the yard, we have an actual 4 feet. Hallelujah -- it is starting to melt.
All winter long, I have been avoiding going skiing with Bob. I have nothing against spending they day with Bob; I actually enjoy it. However, I'm not crazy about skiing. It's cold, it's scary, there are to many people and I can't seem to manuever around them and I am sure I will hit someone and will be arrested for reckless skiing. Oh, wait, that's only in Park City. There is something about speeding down an ice covered hill with nothing to protect you but some puffy bib overalls and a jacket with a fake chinchilla collar. And I am sure that I go at least 100 miles an hour. Finally, I gave in (I had made all kinds of excuses the entire winter -- too tired, too ill, condo remodeling stuff, just didn't want to).
When Bob used to take the kids skiing when they were really little, he told them they couldn't consider themselves real skiers until they could do up there own boots. Well, I am not a real skier. Bob, or Rachel, or Sarah, all had to help me with my boots at one time or another yesterday. It's is quite pathetic that a full grown adult can't seem to bend over and fasten her own footwear.
Anyway, I went to Snowbasin with the fam and actually had a good time. I never did get off the bunny hill, but did it 6 times, which is 4 more times than I went last year. The entire time I was on the slopes I kept thinking, "I can't believe I'd doing this!" I even did the harder easy hill (2x!!). And then came my favorite part of skiing, lunch!!
I may actually go again someday. Perhaps in another 3-10 years I will be able to go on the upper mountain. It is amazing how much easier this is to do 40 lbs lighter. However, with those poofy pants, it is hard to tell that I'm lighter. Now if I can only learn to buckle my own boots.
PS -- Went again and came home with a whiplash!! I fell and hit my head on the ground. Thank goodness Bob forgot his camera!!
1 comment:
Oh lunch at Snowbasin. The best part ever. And the huge rice krispy treats.
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