Tuesday, July 29, 2008


I got this off Rachel's blog. It is kind of fun. As a comment on my blog, leave one memory that you and I had together. It doesn't matter if you knew me a little or a lot, anything you remember! Next, re-post these instructions on your blog and see how many people leave a memory about you.It's actually pretty cool (and funny) to see the responses. If you leave a memory about me, I'll assume you're playing the game and I'll come to your blog and leave one about you. :)

I'll post again in a couple of days.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

I've been tagged again!

I must be so Popular:

1. What was I doing 10 years ago? Summer of 1998 -- vacationing with family in Washington DC, Gettysburg, Oswego. We were all stuffed into a sedan, because our rental company had run out of vans. Rachel finally got on the phone and called several car places (mind you, she was 16) and found us a van. Her brain may have been swelling, but she wasn't losing any brain cells. Sarah had just had several surgeries for her heart/ankle/knee.

2. Five Snacks I love. What snacks don't I love.
a. 100 Calorie Hostess cupcakes
b. Carrots/celery/radishes & hummus
c. toast
d. mini-pretzles
e. Yoplait Cherry Orchard light yogurt

3. Five Things On My To Do List: Who has a to-do list? But if I did, the following would be on it:

a. File taxes before 10/15/08
b. Balance check book for the first time since 4/1/08
c. Weed the flower bed.
d. Get David's quilt finished.
e. Do my genealogy back to Adam/Charlemagne.

4. Things I would do if I were a billionaire: pay off all my debts. Buy a fabulous purse, get a hybrid car, totally remodel my house. do a huge vacation in England, France, Italy & Greece, & Turkey & Egypt and Petra & Australia, and then have money left over to just live on and support worthy causes. I would do all this after I paid my tithing, of course.

5. Five jobs that I have had.
a. Secretary for the air force
b. ironing
c. babysitting
d. teachingt assistant
e. Director of Research for Utah Public Employees Association

6. Five of my bad habits
a. watching tv when I should be sleeping
b. not taking my meds on a regular basis
c. watching tv when I should be working
d. Playing Jewel Quest I, II or Solitaire when I should be sleeping/working
e. starting projects and not finishing them.

7. Four places I have lived
a. Ogden, Utah
b. Salt Lake City, Utah
c. Seatle, Washington
d. Beavercreek Township, Ohio

8. Two People I Want to Get to Know Better -- Anyone & Don't know

9. 6 Random Things about me. 1) love to read; 2) afraid of flying; 3) love long car trips; 4) afraid of heights; 5) have only read the book of Mormon all the way through 2x [not counting the times we read with the kids]; and 6) never learned how to swim beyond the dog paddle.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Nothing to sing about!!

A few months ago, Menopause the Musical was playing in Salt Lake. People I know who saw it said it was hysterical. I'm not so sure what is funny about it. I was lying awake (laying awake?? I forget) one of those nights and all I could think about was how awful I felt and what I was going to post on my blog this last week. I'm not sure anyone really reads it so I am just going to write for myself.
As I lay awake, with the overhead fan, the air conditioning cranked up as high as it can go, the window open, a portable swamp cooler full of ice & water, a glass of icewater, a water bottle frozen solid so by morning I can have some cool water, and a squirt bottle just in case all of those other things don't cool me down. I should freeze the squirt bottle so I can hose myself off with ice water!! I take maximum strength estroven and hope that I can sleep a couple of hours before someone turns on the flame thrower that violently rocks me out of my slumber. If you ever wonder why old women look like dried up old prunes, it is because we are dehydrating from the inside out with our own personal blast furnace.
I am not sure I can live throught menopause. I was looking up symptoms and natural treatments (with Fran's death from breast cancer, I have chosen to avoid the Premarin, hormone replacement therapy route) and found the following quote: Given practical information, medical attention and a positive attitude, most women can expect to experience menopause as a time of change, challenge and new-found personal freedom. More and more women are finding the years of menopause and beyond are the best of their lives. I thought to myself, "What man came up with that idea?" Obviously no one who has ever lived through it. Anyway, this is found at the following website: http://www.jos-health-network.150m.com/menopause.html.
Down at the bottom of this page, after it has listed all of the symptoms, it also lists other medical conditions that have the same symptoms. Among them is Multiple Sclerosis. Lucky me, I got the double whammy.
Anyway, to get me through this terrible, hopefully wonderful, challenging, stage of life, Bob bought me a battery operated fan. He suggested I take it to church. He said no one would notice. I hope he's right. I'm going to be on the front row of church with my fan!