Tuesday, October 16, 2007

A Weigh

This is my Monday outfit. Robbie asked me why I get dressed up to go to Weight Watchers. I think he thought it was a dress up kind of place. In actuality, this is the outfit I wore when I first joined, so as a control, I wear the same outfit every time I weigh in and know that the loss (or gain – heaven forbid) is not attributable to what I wear.

This is just one of the tricks of the diet junkie – control what you wear even if you can’t seem to control what you eat. Today, a young woman showed up in flip-flops, very short shorts, and a tank top. It was 45 dang degrees outside. But her clothes weighed next to nothing. I think she must have over indulged on the weekend.

This is not a great picture, but it's not a great outfit.

Any weigh (hee hee), I am down an additional 2.2 lbs for a grand total of 10.2!!!


Rachsticle said...

That girl sounds like she has some distorted ED behavior

Emily, Julia, and Annie said...

NO!!! It can't be 45 degrees!! What the heck am I going to wear when I come up there? Crap.