Thursday, November 15, 2007

I Am Thankful!!

My favorite holiday is Thanksgiving!! Christmas is good. I can take or leave Halloween and the Labor Day, but Thanksgiving is about my 2 favorite things!! Family and Food. I am always a little sad because Thanksgiving seems to get pushed to the side with a little teeny display of paper products somewhere between the behemoth bags of fun size candy bars and the tacky dancing Santas. This is a perfect time for me (and everyone) to think about the things I am grateful for and consider the source of these blessings.

Here is a list of all the things I am grateful for:

Bob Sykes, Rachel, Sarah, Robbie & Kathleen Sykes, Aunty Kate and the Lewis’, the Gordons (even though we miss Aunty Fran something awful). My house, my Huntsville House, Weight Watchers, my health (but not MS – it is no friend of mine); okay – Otto and Daisy, but not their byproducts; my car, washing machine, dishwasher – especially in Huntsville. A good night’s sleep. I don’t get those very often. Good books. Comfy shoes, a good bed. Hot baths. Lotion after the hot baths because my skin gets so dry. United States of America. Election day. Blogs. Emily Jones. Young Women and Mutual (I know, I grumble sometimes, but I still am grateful for it.) Education. The temple, the gospel of Jesus Christ. Prayer, the scriptures.

That my Heavenly Father loves me and all His Children. He is the source of all these blessings. And I am grateful to Him.

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