Sunday, November 25, 2007

It's Not Easy Being Green

It’s not easy being green. Just yesterday, I received 8 catalogs in the mail. For some reason, you buy one item online and for the rest of your life you receive catalogs from places you’ve never purchased from before.

And just try getting off the Victoria Secret list. I bought 2 dresses for Rachel and Sarah when they were 12 & 14 (Before you question my judgment, they were lovely, long-sleeved, cowl-necked, knit velvet dresses that hit below the knee.) I have received 2-3 VS catalogs a week for the last 11 years.

Then there are the Harry & David, Hammacher-Schlemmer, Orvis, Travel Smith, Coldwater Creek, Brookstone, Wine Enthusiast, Sur La Tabla, etc. Though I am not a great recycler, I have been concerned about the number of trees and the amount of energy required to produce catalogs for things I am not going to buy.

Now, I do usually just toss them in the recycling bin before they get in the house. But I have discovered a new web site. You register – they promise not to send you a catalog or sell your information – and then you can access all the catalogs you do not want anymore and they say that within 10 weeks, your name will be off the list. Try it. You’ll like it.

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