Monday, January 14, 2008

A Grand Experiment

Only at Weight Watchers do you get an award for just showing up. I got this "Stay & Succeed" award for coming 16 weeks in a row. Even if I don't lose a pound, I get this cute little clapping hands charm. Woo Hoo. I have lost 31 lbs total so I guess the whole point is that if you show up, something might actually happen.

The past couple of weeks has been a little hard. I have had to recommit to such things as measuring my food. I guess the crackers I eat while I am trying to decide what to have for dinner count, as does the finger-fulls of cupcake batter (or is that fingers-full), or the handful of this and taste of that and a couple of pinches of bleu cheese while I look for the answers to my stress and problems in the fridge. I guess the answer is not in there. Anyway, today starts a new day, with a new committment to try the WW healthy checks -- 6 glasses of water, 2 - 3 dairy servings, 5 - 7 servings of vegetables, a multi-vitamin, and 2 teaspoons of olive oil. That means I need to use up 2 of my 26 points on olive oil!! Ick.

I also got on the treadmill this morning and walked for 30 minutes. 1.37 miles. Not a lot, but not bad for someone who is basically sedentary.

We will see how this grand experiment goes. Stay tuned for the results show next week.

1 comment:

Rebecca said...

This is so interesting. This responder's site is in Portuguese, so I don't know what to say. Hmm!